Wednesday, 25 February 2009

who are you, stranger?

it never quite occured to him how much he had just hurt her, simply by not being himself. it was probably fun, the first day or two, or maybe up to the end of the week. he recalled the moment he saw her that evening. she was simply stunning. who was he to go and approach her? well yes, he had the looks. he had the body. but she didn't know him like the others did. no way would she go anywhere near him if she knew. it was working. she fell for it. the charm. they kicked it off brilliantly. he was ecstatic. she was in love. at least she thought so. the person she was in love with, was non existant. he was too good to be true. it had to show someday. the charm would fade, the veil would be taken off, and she would see him. his true form. he was grateful it lasted as long as it did. it was like a story from one of those fables. but she found out. she thought she was smarter than that. she thought she was stronger than that. never in a million years would she have fallen for a trap like that. she broke down those walls. she let him through. she gave him everything. she loved him. now, she looked at him from across the room wondering to herself, "Who is this stranger?"

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