Tuesday, 10 February 2009

the spirit of the age.

my heart was beating faster than a drum and bass beat as i sat there awaiting my turn. i wait.. as name after name were called out, and yet none were there. a little too chicken to stand up for the task? i wouldn't have missed this in a million years. this is.. like a drug. kinda. as nerve wrecking as standing in front of a hundred plus white people, presenting something in their own language, and being judged and commented on after that.. it's sort of like an alternative to a roller coaster ride. only this one, you get famous for pulling it off. hah.

she called my name as i muttered to myself, "oh shit." carried with me down the steps was a small sheet of paper. notes. hope for the best. expect the worst. laid it on a table next to me. looked up and stared back at them judging eyes.
"now. who here thinks he or she's religious, in every sense of the word?"

*dead silence.

*knees buckle up

*please don't shake. please.

"oh-kay.. that was disappointing. i was watching this movie, or documentary called Zeitgeist. i'm not quite sure if that's how you're supposed to say it. it's german.. and the less you hear me speak in german, the better. now i haven't quite finished the movie yet, but this one thing i know. it's sure as hell controversial. take for example, their take on religion. horus. you may know horus as a egyptian sun god, around 3000bc. you know that much. well. broadly speaking, the story of horus is as follows: he was born on the 25th of December of the virgin Isis Mary, his birth was accompanied by a star in the east, and upon his birth, he was adored by three kings. by twelve, he was already teaching in the temples. at thirty, he was baptized, and henceforth started his ministry. he had twelve disciples, and he performed miracles wherever he went. sadly enough, he was betrayed, and was crucified. he died. for three days at least. and yes, you guessed it, he was resurrected. sound familiar?"

*lots of heads bobbing about.

"that's right. Jesus Christ. now, the attributes of horus, no matter how original they may be, seem to actually permeate and shape the different cultures of the world as we know it, for different gods of the same, general, mythical structure. i'm not kidding. look at krishna of india. same thing. attis of greece. same thing. dionysus of greece. samething. mithra. yeah. now, interestingly enough, mithra's day of worship falls on.. sunday. but this applies to so many different gods if you actually study the facts. and yes. Jesus is one of them. that's what they think. what do you think? thanks for listening."

*applause. more applause.

nailed it.

1 comment:

cans of mushy peas.