Tuesday 28 April 2009


should i keep blogging about the trip? i mean, all i've got ever since i came back were mixed feelings and how people telling me i was wrong to do this and that. my family, a couple of good friends, i told them about the trip, and they were happy for me. happy because i got to do this. a little experience. a little adventure. boundaries? yeah, i have them. i really don't need for anyone to tell me what i should or should not do. sure, i smoked a bit of pot. so what? does that make me an addict? does that make me a bad person now? oh no, he did 'the thing', he's gonna go all downhill from now on. bull. i got to go to amsterdam and experience the culture there. that's all there is to it. culture. something some people never get the chance to do in an entire lifetime. no regrets.

a friend had me thinking about what i posted. sorry bout that sudden lapse. human frailty.

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